Service Worker Communication
ActiveSense uses Intents for its Communication between Activities / Services. At the Moment, ActiveSense utilized this
pattern when communicating between the ServiceWorker coordinating the Measuring of Data and the MeasureActivity, which
is userfacing. This section outlines the communication
process between the user interface (MeasureActivity
), the service responsible for handling WebSocket
connections (Service
), and the backend (Backend
), which receives the measured data.
participant Activity as MeasureActivity
participant Service as Service (WebSocket Handler)
participant Backend as Backend (WebSocket)
Activity ->> Service: Invoke Service
Activity ->> Activity: Start Listening to Websocket Updates
Service ->> Backend: Establish WebSocket Connection
Service ->> Activity: Intent("de.hsrm.activesense.WEBSOCKET_CONNECTION",<br> "CONNECTION_STATE": IPCState.IDLE )
Backend -->> Service: Send start commands via WebSocket
Service ->> Activity: Intent("de.hsrm.activesense.WEBSOCKET_CONNECTION",<br> "CONNECTION_STATE": IPCState.TRANSMITTING )
opt Websocket Conneciton fails
Backend --> Service: Connection-Failure
Service ->> Activity: Intent("de.hsrm.activesense.WEBSOCKET_CONNECTION", <br> "CONNECTION_STATE": IPCState.FAILED, <br> "CONNECTION_MESSAGE: IPCMessage.*)
Service ->> Activity: Intent("de.hsrm.activesense.WEBSOCKET_CONNECTION", <br> "CONNECTION_STATE": IPCState.CLOSED)